What we’re dealt

What we’re dealt

We may not all be here to make history but we can live our lives so that we create our own. Adventure is the key. Alone or with likeminded. We’ve, as a rag tag group of vagabonds, come to realise the ease in which trips away make us feel that history is in the making. Our history.

Served up another astonishing morning in a village on the edge of the world with mates all super keen to tally forth and do battle in one way or another. We joke smile and otherwise. Feels good to be part of something.

We’re packing up stuff, as we have to move on but not before another adventure on the water. The serving size has dropped overnight and with only the one log between us we take turns. Sharing and laughing. Watching each other. Cheers and jibes over waves won and lost.

Our captive audience, verbal tussles pushing each and every, to outperform and astonish the others. Even the more meek are up to the task. Flamboyant as they perch far out the front of the log sliding toes, feet and heels as they slip through the waves. Balancing on their heads. Laughter permeates everything. The antics of the many once again enveloping us, combining us to form a single entity, with many moving parts, that's this undertaking.

The tide moves in, the time now ripe to move on. We empty out the shack, strap packs and boards and other items about our persons and bike. Goodbyes are said and we move off, en masse.

Asphalt antics gives way to dirt track shenanigans, bubbling and boiling as we meet back up with tar. Our ride takes us through villages and countryside in a reverse déjà vu, we know the way. This trip has taken likeminded who’re no longer strangers but still we’re riding down a road in this strange land.

We’ll leave you with words, a little shortened, that were written by a bloke called Walt who summed it up all very nicely. Sail forth you all and seize this day!

“Each morning the day lies like a fresh shirt on our bed. The happiness of the next twenty-four hours depends on our ability, on waking, to pick it up.”

Walter Benjamin - "One Way Street" 1928

Words by Ano. Photography by Grasshopper & Monty.