We’ve been looking for a place to hang our hats in Jakarta, for some time and finally found a little niche in Kemang. A fashionable, eclectic part of town, the prescribed heart of urban living in South Jakarta. You can find similar places in most metropolises’, its reminiscent of Oberoi in Bali, Abbott Kenny in LA or Chapel St in Melbourne. There’s a plethora of unique art galleries, mixed up with very slick pads in traditional designs, and they have spiced the brew with a healthy dollop of laid back, the sum of the parts equalling a chilled oasis in the big smoke. It’s a good fit. Like what we’ve done before it’s a campur of what we love to do. There’s a showroom for our bikes, a nice big gallery space for the art we need to feed our souls and the retail space that makes it all possible. So with much ado we had a little shindig last Saturday night to tell em… ‘Hi Honey we’re home’. The whole thing stinking of success with a lot of old friends coming round, a show of their support and a lot of new friends popped in to say G’day & Welcome. Our debut artist was Farid Stevy Asta, and we are as proud as punch to have his amazing images adorning our walls. He’d already been hung in Deus Bali so we’re super stoked to have him with us now in Jakarta. Music was served up to us by the Jakarta blues men, Renprat & Soul Brothers. More often than not they’re hanging down in Bali with us, so once again, they were the perfect choice to be with us, getting our feet wet, in the city. The boys were tempered by the beautiful voice and person that is Mian Tiara. When it was all over, bar the shouting, we upped stumps, moving down the road to the 365 Eco Bar after party and as you can imagine that just went off…and on & on… Big thanks just have to go out to Heinekin, Sauza Tequila & Jim Beam. You helped make it a night to remember.