

Rp. 680.000
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Only 2 available units

Gratis ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan minimal belanja Rp. 1 juta.

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pengiriman, silakan lihat pada halaman shipping and returns information.

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Floyd Short merupakan bagian dari Deus Ex Machina Autumn 2017 Mens Collection.

Celana chino berpotongan regular fit dengan kancing di bagian depan, berbahan 99% katun, 1% kain kepar peached twill dengan overdye dan garment wash.

Bahan ini diwarnai dengan pigmen khusus kemudian diproses untuk menghasilkan kelembutan superior dan penampilan vintage.

Warna didesain sedemikian rupa untuk memudar seiring berjalannya waktu.
Telah melalui proses desain dan uji coba di Deus House of Simple Pleasures, Camperdown, Sydney.


The Floyd Short is a part of the Deus Ex Machina Autumn 2017 Mens Collection.

This regular fit chino short features a button fly closure, with 99% cotton and 1% stretch peached twill fabrication with overdye and garment wash.

This garment was dyed with special pigments then washed for superior softness and vintage appearance. This colour will continue to wash down over time.

Designed and tested at the Deus House of Simple Pleasures, Camperdown, Sydney.

Petunjuk Pencucian: Cuci terpisah sebelum digunakan, Cuci dengan mesin putaran ringan dengan warna serupa, cuci terbalik. Jangan gunakan mesin pengering. Warna akan terus memudar seiring berjalannya waktu.

Wash care: Wash separately before use. Gentle machine wash with similar colours inside out. Do not tumble dry. This colour will continue to fade over time.

Gratis ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan minimal belanja Rp. 1 juta.

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pengiriman, silakan lihat pada halaman shipping and returns information.

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Rp. 680.000


Floyd Short merupakan bagian dari Deus Ex Machina Autumn 2017 Mens Collection.

Celana chino berpotongan regular fit dengan kancing di bagian depan, berbahan 99% katun, 1% kain kepar peached twill dengan overdye dan garment wash.

Bahan ini diwarnai dengan pigmen khusus kemudian diproses untuk menghasilkan kelembutan superior dan penampilan vintage.

Warna didesain sedemikian rupa untuk memudar seiring berjalannya waktu.
Telah melalui proses desain dan uji coba di Deus House of Simple Pleasures, Camperdown, Sydney.


The Floyd Short is a part of the Deus Ex Machina Autumn 2017 Mens Collection.

This regular fit chino short features a button fly closure, with 99% cotton and 1% stretch peached twill fabrication with overdye and garment wash.

This garment was dyed with special pigments then washed for superior softness and vintage appearance. This colour will continue to wash down over time.

Designed and tested at the Deus House of Simple Pleasures, Camperdown, Sydney.

Petunjuk Pencucian: Cuci terpisah sebelum digunakan, Cuci dengan mesin putaran ringan dengan warna serupa, cuci terbalik. Jangan gunakan mesin pengering. Warna akan terus memudar seiring berjalannya waktu.

Wash care: Wash separately before use. Gentle machine wash with similar colours inside out. Do not tumble dry. This colour will continue to fade over time.