Marinated meats and minds were had by all last night on what was our 1st of many “TACOS-N-TATT-TUESDAYS”
Our hunger for tacos and stupidity was quenched on this night, and I assure you our satiation wont last… So, To You, reading this with a wandering eye and a open mind, join us next and every “TATT-TUESDAY” and EAT, DRINK and MAKE YER MARK…The Mesa was set with the Electric hum of the tattoo gun that our friends and skins have grown to love, along with the wandering and warbling Mariachi band settin' the vibe and pounding the spike of our originality (or excuse for a good time) deeper into the earth over here at” The Temple” or “Carniceria” As it will be remembered to all that joined us last night…