Old mate and Deus Ex Machina team member or as we like to call him our “Motto Ambassador” Ali Adriansyah Rusmiputro or Adrian for short. Stopped by “The Temple” while on a bit of a break from the Euro JR cup, and were glad he did.
A special kind of breed Adrian is because he is the ONLY Indonesian on the Motto GP Euro JR. Cup circuit. Yep, the only Indonesian, soak that in for a bit. Born in Jakarta he started racing at the age of 3 ½ on a lil 50cc and continued riding and training throughout his youth until he turned pro. Adrians major accomplishments consist of.
2009 - OMR Kawasaki Ninja 150cc National Championship with Scorpio BBC Glass
Racing Team and attained 3rd position.
2010 - Super sport (600cc) with the Ridlatama Racing Team and attained 5th position in the National Championship. OMR Kawasaki Ninja 250cc with Ridlatama 3DI Racing Team attaining 3rd position in the National Championship.
2011 - National Championship 250cc with Anjany NHK FDR CLD Racing Team attaining 1st position. OMR Kawasaki Ninja 150cc National Championship with Anjany NHK FDR CLD Racing Team attaining 2nd position.
2011 - 2012 Int’l LARRS Supersport 600cc at Losail Circuit in Qatar attaining 2ndposition in the National Championship.
His current bike of choice is a CBR 500cc and is presently 10th in his class, but Adrian is climbing the ranks like a bat out of hell and for Adrian hoisting the Indonesian flag on the victor’s podium is his main objective this season and his white whale. Adrian is a young talented Motto GP racer in the Euro JR. Cup and is kicking ass so out look for him. Not to shabby for a 19 year old…
Now you know how he got to be where he is now. We thought we take the opportunity to sit down with him before he jets off around the world again and see what the young man had to say for him self.
Deus: Name and year you wer born and Zodiac sign?

Him: Ali Adrian Sayah Rusmi Putlri 1993, year of the Rooster.Deus: Wow, that’s a mouth full.
Him: That’s what she said.
Deus: Cheeky Bastard.
Deus: How long have you been racing bikes and what class are you currently racing in?
Him: Pro six years, class Euro JR. cup CBR 500cc
Deus: Is it true you are the only Indonesian on the circuit?
Him: Yes that’s true as well as the only Asian for the Euro JR. cup
Deus: Which group of racers do you hang with when you have down time?
Him: Well mostly all of then, but I do gravitate towards the Spanish racers.
Deus: If there was only 1 bike at Deus and you and Dhump needed to go to a party who would ride bitch?
Him: Dustin for sure.
Deus: Now I heard that you went out on the town with the boys last night, where did you go and when did you get home?
Him: First drinks at Deus, then Sky garden and then around Kuta. I got home at 4am.
Deus: That’s a good bender, now I see that you have a glass of orange juice, is there a bit of vodka in there? A bit of “Hair of the Dog” for ya?
Him: Nah just O.J.
Deus: What are your other interests?
Him: Bicycles, I like going to the beach, music standard stuff. But since I am in the middle of the season and heading to the world champs I’m always in the gym and training.
Deus: You a Black Sabbath fan?
Him: Not that I’m aware of.
Deus: Well then, I’ll make you a mix tape for your ear-canals to get down on.
Him: What’s an ear-canal?
Deus: you’ll see.
Deus:When not in Indo where do u hang your leathers at night?
Him: Jakarta.
Deus:How are the groupies on the circuit?
Him: Fine, sometimes there really distracting, god knows there’s quite a few of them in Europe.
Deus: Any last word for future racers out there?
Him: Never give up, and after last night, always find time to have fun with your friends…
Well there you have it, that’s what’s on the mind of a 19yr old Euro JR cup racer. Adrian, you’re a good egg and we wish you the very best as you haul ass down the track with your knees dragging around the corners, and lets hoist that Championship Trophy this year. And when you get back to The Temple we’ll all go back to Kuta, but yer buying…