Rathjer than give you the normal heads up we thought we'd throw together s little retrospective piece about the Deus 9ft & Single Surf, Art, Music & Film Fest, now we are only one week out from the event. June 13 - 16. That's right next week will be nine times lucky, the Deus ‘9ft & Single’ long weekend of Art, Music, Film, & Surf is set to take place from bright and early on Thursday June 13 – until the last minutes of Sunday June 16, although we'd be bloody disappointed if it didn't creep well into Monday morning.
To recap on the past eight years of Canggu’s biggest little festival I'd need a lot more space and time, so I will keep it short. This once simple gathering of friends has garnered a reputation to become something more than we had ever envisioned. So far so good as we've managed to keep it reigned in and its mostly accessible to its roots in one-way, shape or form, we are super keen for it not to get seriously out of hand and to keep it fluid and fun.
It was a one-day event on the grassy knoll above Pantai Batu Bolong all those years ago. And each year we've been adding bits, moving things about and cajoling the entire thing until now the Festival is four days and nights of surf and play. The Deus Bali Fish Fry, The Deus Womp Comp, the Mens Deus 9ft & Single Log Event and the Ladies Deus 9ft & Single Log Event are stacked end to end to fill up the days.
We've got a brace of blokes who will trundle our little makeshift village down to the beach. Erect the tents, towers, and shade. It's then we set up a nice big Barbie and of course, whack a bevy of beers on ice. The coffee machine is kicked into first and we lubricate the whole beach with good tunes and great vibes setting ourselves up for success.
Then there are our nightly events, they've swapped about over 8 years and this year is no different. The Backyard Cinema on Thursday night will showcase some new vids we've been working on. On Friday night we have a Concert with 5 bands back to back and blending to one. Once the music starts it will not stop until we draw the curtains on the night. Saturday night, as I said above, we've got old mate, Andrew Wellman, over to ours to hold an Art Exhibition entitled "Lookback & Laybacks" A visual feast heavily referencing a life well spent in the surf. And on Sunday night we tie it all up with a nice neat bow with the "Wrap Up Party". There are the Awards bit where we give out a few oversized cheques, the bit with everybody dancing like fools and then there is the bit with the bands. At some point, it all blends to one. It's a night where everyone and everything is all vying with each other to fill you to overflowing.
If you've not been, trust us when we say, this one should not be missed!
The ninth Deus 9ft & Single Surf, Art, Music & Film Festival
13th - 16th June
Deus Temple of Enthusiasm Canggu. Bali. Indonesia